1. Navigate to your Appointible account
Import from Home:
1. Click the "Import Clients" dropdown symbol in the "Your Business" panel.
2. Click "Import Clients" and proceed to step 2
Import from Sidebar:
Click the "Clients" button, which is located in the left sidebar.

2. Click on "Import"

3. Click on "Upload text file"

4. Import clients from a CSV file
To upload a CSV file, click the "Choose a CSV file" button or drag and drop the CSV file you want to upload inside the dashed box.
The file will appear as selected under the dashed box, and the "Next: Map fields" button will become available.
*If you need help with how the file formatting should look, download the sample file.

5. Map fields
After clicking the "Next: Map fields" button, you will be prompted to map your provided columns to corresponding fields inside Appointible. Your imports' first rows contents will be displayed as example values for a more straightforward mapping process.
Please note that the email or phone number field must be mapped to import clients.
If you can't find the correct field in the fields list, you can create a new field by opening the Fields dropdown and clicking "Create field," which will be selected upon creation.

6. Creating field
After clicking "Create field," you will be prompted to enter new field information, such as the field name, which will be pre-filled with the column name you are mapping, and the field type, which will be selected as "Text input" by default.
You can adjust the field information to match the column you want to map, change the type of field to match the column value, and provide a field description to describe what the field is about.
After providing field information, click the "Save" button to save it, and the field will be automatically selected as the field to be mapped to the column. After mapping the fields and pressing "Next: Organize," you will be prompted to choose a list to which the clients should be imported (next step).

7. Organize client's import
If you don't have a list created or want to import the contacts to a new list, open the list dropdown and press the "Create a new list" button, which will take you through a simple list creation flow.
After choosing an existing or creating a new list, you can import your contacts by pressing the "Import clients" button. You can track the progress of the import in the import log.
Read the Appointible's Terms of Service (Link: https://appointible.com/biz/legal/terms) and select the checkbox to make the "Import clients" button available.

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